Clerical Magic in Jovia

Clerical magic has some advantages over regular magery, but there are substantial limitations on a user's behavior and spell selection. Here is a simple list of pros and cons based on a comparison to ordinary magic.

  • Clerical magic is unaffected by mana levels. Clerics may cast spells without penalty in low or no mana zones.
  • Clerics do not need to learn prerequisites for the spells they cast.
  • Clerics do not need any level of magery to cast spells. (Instead, they must buy at least one level of Power Investiture.)
  • Clerics can invoke divine intervention (more on this below).
  • Clerical magic is unaffected by mana levels. Clerics do not recover fatigue quicker in very high mana zones.
  • Clerics cannot use powerstones (though an "imbued holy symbol" may act the same way).
  • A cleric's castable spell list is limited to those his god is willing to grant. (A list for each god is provided below.)
  • A cleric's ability to cast spells may be hindered (or revoked!) at any time if he breaks the code of conduct or vows his god demands.
  • Enchantment spells a cleric casts cost 50% more. Also, clerically enchanted items often have usage limitations (they will, however, function in no mana zones).
Divine Intervention

A cleric may beg his god perform some difficult feat. This requires five seconds of quiet prayer and has a base 50% chance of success (10 or less on 3d). The GM is free to adjust the odds of success up or down depending on the nature of the request, piety of the cleric, relation of the requested effect to the god's spheres, general deservedness/need of the affected parties (in the god's eyes), and scope of the effect. A player must spend 10 character points for his character to attempt a divine intervention request with any real expectation of success.

Rogue Clerics

A rogue cleric is one who does not follow his god's required disciplines of faith yet, through some celestial oversight, still has the ability to cast spells. In game terms, a player may elect not to take one or more self-imposed mental disadvantages normally required by his PC's god. For each mental disadvantage avoided, the player must buy a 30 point Unusual Background. Not having a particular mental disadvantage may require that a cleric take Secret or Enemy (Church).


There are some spells available to all clerics, regardless of the god they worship. These are: Final Rest, Sense Spirit, Affect Spirits, Turn Spirit, Turn Zombie, and Astral Block.



Spheres: Kindness, Non-violence, Healing
Symbol: An open hand (fingers together) with two short horizontal lines drawn across the palm.
Required Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages: Sense of Duty (Any non-evil sapient being) [-15]; Vow (Never tell a lie) [-5]; Vow (Chastity) [-5]; Vow (Never kill a warm-blooded creature) [-10]; Major Vow (Use no edged weapons) [-10]; Quirk (Always wear a short, white mantle and cap (if male) or wimple (if female)) [-1]; Quirk (Horizontal lines tattooed on palms) [-1]; Vow (Donate all income to the needy/church except minimum for status -1 cost of living) [-10]. -57 points.
Spells: Master, Protect Animal, Stop Spasm, Rooted Feet, Vigor, Resist Pain, Stone to Flesh, Light, Sunlight, Remove Curse, Sleep, Banish, Repel Spirits, and all Healing spells except: Share Energy, Recover Energy, Restore Memory, and Cure Radiation.


Spheres: Order, Cold, Alertness
Symbol: An octothorpe rotated 45 degrees
Required Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages: Honesty (12) [-10]


Spheres: Protection, Darkness
Symbol: A stylized blue owl clutching a short length of chain in both claws
Required Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages: Honesty (15) [-5]; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Priests/Followers of Grilkos) [-5]; Vow (Aid honest people who request asylum; Tithe 5% of income to church) [-5]; Vow (Always carry (or have within 2 yds.) a medium/kite shield bearing Grilkos' symbol unless within 5 miles of a temple/holy place of the god) [-5]. -35 points.
Spells: Wall of Wind, Strike Blind, Sense Foes, Hide Thoughts, Insignificance, Steelwraith, Fireproof, Deflect Energy, Sanctuary, Night Vision, Dark Vision, Darkness, Blackout, Gloom, Shape Darkness, Scryguard, Scrywall, Avoid, Slow Fall, Utter Wall, Force Dome, Shade, Missile Shield, Watchdog, Block, Astral Block.


Spheres: Heat, Crafts, Beauty
Symbol: A winged hammer with two heads.
Required Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages: Sense of Duty (Priests/Followers of Tabor) [-5]; Vow (Tithe 20% of income to Tabor) [-5]; Vow (Spend 2 hours a day restoring, crafting, or maintaining tools or weapons, never destroy an expertly- or beautifully-crafted object) [-5]; Quirk (Always wear a tabard bearing Tabor's symbol in red) [-1]. -16 points.
Spells: Essential Air, Perfume, Ambidexterity, Cadence, Haircut, Ignite Fire, Seek Fire, Create Fire, Fast Fire, Heat, Resist Cold, Warmth, Essential Flame, Burning Touch, Test Load, Find Weakness, Rejoin, Repair, Shatterproof, Toughen, Steal Beauty, Restore.




Spheres: Pain, Odor, Deception
Symbol: A beaver skull.
Required Self-Imposed Mental Disadvantages: Vow (Never accept/use magical healing) [-10]; Quirk (Never harm a rodent) [-1]. -11 points.
Spells: No-Smell, Stench, Odor, Devitalize Air, Itch, Perfume, Pain, Nauseate, Resist Pain, Sensitize, Agonize, Strike Numb, Vexation, Compel Lie, Simple Illusion.
