Theomundi, World of Gods: a GURPS campaign setting
Greek mythology contains many elements of truth; the gods exist,
as do Centaurs, Satyrs, Nymphs, Shades, etc. (Mortal storytellers
tried to record some of the details, but they got a lot of things
wrong, and, in some cases, just made things up.) Around 2,000 BCE,
Hekate and Haides acquired the loyalty of some of the monster races,
a few Olympian gods, and the Titans from Tartaros (whom they released).
They used their
forces to attack Olympus, killing many gods, including Zeus. Zeus,
having been betrayed by many, used his dying breath to invoke the
remaining Protogenoi (original gods that were really more like forces
of nature than individuals; they were fading from the world as their
children (the Olympioi,Mousai, Erotes, etc.) took control) to place
a curse on all the divinities.
Cut to present day: the gods have been in hiding for nearly 4,000
years. There are separate factions now, generally divided by their
leader's opinions about how humanity should be dealt with. There's
Athena, Hekate, DRACO (a group in favor of noninterference), and
miscellaneous groups consisting of neutrals and renegades.
Files of interest:
Prayer Reception.doc A description of
the Prayer Reception advantage for gods. (Can be taken after 2nd
pocket dimensions.doc The Pocket Dimension "advantage."
Rather complex (it involves creating an entire world, after
God Races.doc Descriptions and notes about some
of the god-races (Satyrs, Erinyes, Naiads, Oroui, etc.).
Misc Advantages.doc Miscellaneous advantages like
Second Sight and Sense Network.
All files are in Microsoft Word .DOC format. They occasionally
get updated (this is noted at the beginning of each document).
Get all the documents in this easy-to-handle ZIP file:
[16.4 kB]
Session Log Form:
session_auth.zip [2.66 kB] (contains
Current Players:
Diktyon - God of Computer Networks. A Neotheoi.
Played by Keith Moore.
Pheme - God of Gossip. Played by Hanwool Lee.
Panakheia - God of Cures and Healing. Played by Drew Woolley.
Michanamatos - God of Machines. A Neotheoi. Played by Ryan
Pandaisia - God of Banquets and Food. Played by Justin
Zephyrus - God of the East Wind, Spring, and Flowers. An
Anemoi. Played by Phillip Rabideau.
Characters on Hiatus:
Ate, god of error, delusion, ruin, and blind folly. (Kevin
Gratamenos, god of gratuity and generosity. (JD)
Deceased Characters:
Ephialtes, god of giants, strength, and wrestling. A
Phobos, god of fear.
Mnemosyne, god of memory. A muse.
Triton, god of the sea. An Okeanis.
Tykhe, god of luck, chance, and fortune.
Pheme, god of gossip. (He came back as a favor from the Moirai.)
- June 2, 2000: An archeology team (members mostly from American
universities) in the Panaltoliko mountains, Greece, uncovers
an ancient monument. Within a week, some kind of catastrophe
occurs, killing 18 porters, archeologists, and interns. Three
days later, there's some kind of riot in a Karpenisi hospital,
leaving 6 soldiers (4 Greek, 2 American) dead.
- June 16, 2000: A nuclear blast in the Aegean destroys the
island of Piperi. A terrorist group, Bloody Eight, is blamed.
In 2003, they are connected to the Saudi terrorist network.
- January 23, 2001: Arthur Evansley, a member of the British
parliament, commits suicide at his home in London. He leaves
a cryptic note apologizing to his dead wife, Evelyn.
- September 24, 2001: The wedding of Erica Patterson-Montegue
to Derek Letter (Angelia and Zephryos). The former is the step-daughter
of famed Wyoming billionaire Jerry Patterson (Khrysos).
- September 10, 2001: Jacob Demwa, a newspaper columnist for
the Chicago Sun, fights and kills his editor, Geoff Ericson,
at the newspaper's offices after setting his home on fire. There
is some confusion, as eyewitnesses report seeing Demwa's identical
twin at the scene. (It's later discovered that Demwa was an
only child.)
- April 11, 2002: The NSA and Interpol raid a small house in
Los Angeles, California where members of the terrorist group,
Bloody Eight, are reported to be living. Five agents are killed,
and one permanently blinded, in the raid. No arrests are made.
- October 29, 2002: An office building in Valencia, Venezuala
is bombed, killing 47 people. It is believed that the bomber
remained in the building during the blast, killing himself.
Motive is unknown.
- November 22, 2002: America goes to war with Iraq.
- December 29, 2002: A 10 megaton nuclear bomb is detonated
in Seattle, Washington. More than 110,000 people die. The US
govt. suspects the nuclear bomb was the work of Iraqi terrorists.
- February 6, 2003: A new bill is passed by congress that makes
the Patriot Act look minor by comparison. It gives much more
funding and power to military and police forces.
- February 21, 2003: Carol and Barbara Lansing murdered brutally
at a convenience store in Sacramento, CA in broad daylight.
Killer flees on foot towards a camp-grounds, no arrests made.
- March 14, 2003: A 17 year old girl, Cindy Cartwright, is abducted
from the ICU of a New York city hospital by four or five unknown
men. She was in need of both heart and liver transplants.
- April 18, 2003: Interference from an unknown Saudi terrorist
network increases American casualities in Iraq. More military
forces are moved in. Casualties continue to climb. Talk begins
to circulate about a draft. The war drags on for six more months.
- June 1, 2003: India goes to war with Pakistan after an attack
decimates the northern city of Jaipur.
- June 9, 2003: Over the course of three months (until August),
a string of murders, almost one per night, keeps police in Cheju,
South Korea baffled. More than 80 people are killed on the island's
beaches, in nearly all cases between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m.
- June 18, 2003: Much of Pakistan has fallen to well-trained
Indian forces. China, fearing India's nuclear capabilities and
recent demonstrations of the incredible military power, joins
an alliance with Pakistan. The U.S., U.N., and some European
nations move to help India, but much of their forces are tied
up with the Iraq/ Saudi terrorists situation.
- August 21, 2003: India and Pakistan exchange nuclear attacks.
Installations near Calcutta (India) and New Delhi (India) have
been destroyed, as have bases in Rawalpindi (Pakistan), Harappa
(Pakistan), and Lhasa (China).
- October 3, 2003: Intense analysis of the signature from the
nuclear explosion in Seattle reveals that the bomb was one the
U.S.'s own. The US govt. becomes much more obsessed with national
security and corruption in military officials. Lots of
court-martials take place. The U.S. begins to increasingly resemble
a totalitarian state.
- October 25, 2003: A bizzare weather phenomenon causes 6 tons
of snow to be deposited behind a Denny's in Everett, WA. One
police officer's account of a malfunctioning snow-machine is
discounted when insufficient evidence is found.
- October 30, 2003: The Indian war begins to wind down, though
skirmishes continue in the northern provinces. China and Pakistan
have taken control of large parts of northern India.
- November 2, 2003: Confusion at a police department in San
Angelo, Texas when items are stolen from the evidence lockers
at one in the afternoon. Two officers injured, no arrests made.
- November 24, 2003: Five infants are killed in a hospital in
Cheju, S. Korea. Video footage shows a caucasian man, dressed
all in black, committing the murders with surprising calmness.
No witnesses saw the man enter or leave the building.
- May 10, 2004: The Indian war ends with an unsteady truce.
Eastern, Middle-Eastern, and Western forces have all been hit
- January 28, 2005: Pakistan breaks the truce by attacking a
military installation in Bhopal< India.
- November 5, 2005: Pres. Lieberman assassinated by an unknown
sniper at a press conference on the white house lawn. Vice Pres.
Hillary Clinton takes his office in a ceremony three days later.
- November 27, 2005: Explosions rock the La Guardia airport
in New York, NY. While the airport is being evacuated, a 747
jet takes off without clearance from the tower. A voice on the
radio is later identified as that of known terrorist James Elliot.
An F-16 dispatched to bring the plane down is somehow destroyed
over the Atlantic. Less than 4 hrs. later, Manhattan is destroyed
by a 45-megaton nuclear missile. (It's initally believed that
the nuke was carried inside a Chinese tanker, but later it's
revealed that N. Korea used some sort of "superstealth"
missile actually, this nuke was delivered and cloaked
with god magic by Hekate's forces, mostly with the help of Hebe.)
- December 1, 2005: The US declares war on North Korea. Bombing
begins almost immediately, more than 100,000 troops are mobilized.
- December 2, 2005: A bizarre mad-man takes more than eighty
people hostage at a hospital in San Francisco. 8 policemen and
around 30 hostages are killed. Simultaneously, the crime databases
and communications networks for local law enforcement are hacked
by an unknown person or group from Detroit, MI. 3 other policemen
die in unrelated incidents downtown. The mad-man is later identified
as James Elliot.
- December 5, 2005: North Korea responds by launching a small
nuclear torpedo at an American aircraft carrier (part of a naval
battle group in the Sea of Japan). Hours later, a nuclear missile
headed for southern California (probably launched from a sub
in the Pacific) is destroyed by American anti-missile systems.
- December 12, 2005: The U.S. drops a 25-megaton nuclear bomb
on the North Korean city of Yongbyon.
- January 2, 2006: The U.S. drops a 20-megaton nuke on Kaesong,
N. Korea.
- January 13, 2006: Hekate begins Project: Rapture.
- January 17, 2006: A restaurant in Reykjavik, Iceland, reports
having employed James Elliot for slightly less than a year.
Sources believe the terrorist has had extensive plastic surgery.
James Elliot replaces Osama Bin Laden as the FBI's Most Wanted
terrorist. A reward of $30 million is offered for information
leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Dr. Elliot.
- January 21, 2006: A number of reports are made about a "tower"
more than 100 feet tall being built in the center of Lake Eerie,
about 60 miles from Buffalo, NY. Upon further investigation,
only wreckage from a large watercraft is found.
- February 1, 2006: N. Korea is completely under the control
of S. Korea and the US.
"I came, I saw, she conquered (the original Latin seems to
have been garbled)." Lazarus Long (Robert A. Heinlein)