Pasco, Washington, United States of America, Earth Pasco is a smallish city of about 30,000 people located in South-Eastern Washington State (WA), which is, in turn, located in the North-Western part of the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America (USA). Pasco is named after the railroad station that was located in the same spot (The name was something that started with "Pacific"). Pasco is part of the Tri-Cities, along with Kennewick and Richland. All three cities are close by where the Columbia River (largest river in USA west of the Mississippi) meets with the Snake River. Pasco is in the Columbia Basin, which is basically a desert. The natural area contains few trees and is littered primarily with sage-brush, tumble-weeds, and cheat-grass (which is kind of like wheat, but gets in your socks and itches and you can't eat it). Pasco's population is mostly hispanic (68%) due to the large amount of farming done locally (migrant farm workers and all that). The busiest/most-popular street is Court Street, which basically runs paralell to the Columbia River. Pasco is located in Franklin county and is the smallest of the Tri-Cities. All information is current as of February 20, 2002.