When: March 22 - 23 (Friday - Saturday), starts at ~11:00am on Friday.
Where: Hank's house. Well, actually, the workshop in the indoor
arena 250 ft. from the house. It's at the corner of Road 92 and Argent
in Pasco, adjacent to the Animal Hospital of Pasco. The indoor arena
is a big building; looks kinda like a small airplane-hangar. We'll
be in the room on the right as you enter.
What to bring: Computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, power
cables, CAT5 cable w/ RJ45 ends. Power strips may be useful, but certainly
aren't desideratum.
Games to be played: Counter-Strike, Quake III Arena, Unreal Tournament,
Aliens Vs. Predator 2, Command & Conquer: Renegade, Return to
Castle Wolfenstein, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, Alpha Centauri,
Diablo II, and/or anything else ppl want to play. Don't worry if you
don't have some of these -- we can accomodate you.
Food/Drink: We'll have a cooler of soda-pop and make trips to town
when ppl get hungry.
I bought a 16 port switch on Directron and enough CAT5 to connect to
my satellite connection in the house (we'll use AnalogX's Proxy). Broadband
for everyone! Here're the vital stats for the proxy (you can set these
easily in IE thru Tools > Internet Options > Connections >
LAN Settings > Advanced):